Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Parker's Band Concert - December 19, 2018

Wednesday - December 19th

Today was late start, but my sleepy brain forgot.  I tried to wake the kids up earlier than necessary.  Luckily, Brinley remembered.  I was yelling to her to get out of her room, because she had to leave in like 5 minutes.  That's when she informed me that she had an hour and 5 minutes.  It was nice to realize I didn't have to hurry.  I fell back asleep on the luv sac for a little while.
After I got the kids to school, I realized my bad time of the month had started and I started having really bad cramps.  They have been so painful all day today.  It's not fun.  Because of that, I decided to do nothing today.  I sat at the computer for the majority of the day, working on scrapbooking stuff and my blog.
I always have crazy stories when I go to pick up Brinley from school. There are too many bad drivers. I got stuck behind a lady for over half of the drive.  She was going 25 mph on 40 mph roads and couldn't stay on the road because she was on the phone.  I was so sure she was going to crash into a mailbox or something.  She kept driving off the road then back onto the road.
Parker had his band concert tonight.  He invited Grandma Moser.  I was surprised that she was so willing to drive all the way out here to see it.  She has been driving here a lot lately, with doing interviews for the game show, picking us up and bringing us home from the game show, and driving us home from the Christmas party.  I hadn't expected that she would come, but she did.  Parker was really happy about that.
Parker did well tonight.  He was in the back, which I knew he would be, but from where I was sitting and where the directer was standing, I couldn't see him.  I recorded anyway.  That way we get to at least listen to the music.  At one point I was able to zoom in and try to see his face.

I'll post the videos later.

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