Thursday, December 27, 2018

We Got Stuck in Salt Lake Over Night - December 27, 2018

Thursday- December 27, 2018

I woke up this morning and did an insanity work out. It was rough. That workout series is really hard. I'm excited to get strong and get through that program.

I finished crocheting the 2 orders I had on my Etsy store and so I could mail them when we went out and about.
I showered, then Roger and I got ready to go. We headed to Salt Lake so Roger could change the oil in the truck at Dan's shop and I could help Linda go through her stuff and get ready to move.
We stopped at the post office to send out Etsy orders, then maverick to get soda. We ran into Kathy Furhiman and Merikae while we were there. It was fun to visit for a little bit before we headed out.
We had to stop at Walmart on our way, to get oil and a few other things for the house, then we stopped at Chili's for lunch. We used our gift card. The food wasn't bad.
Roger dropped me off at Jenny Springman's house, then he headed to Dan's.
Jenny and I took our time leaving. The was lots of snow, so we shoveled her driveway before we left.
We stopped at Harmon's on the way, so Jenny could get some lunch. Then we drove to Linda's. The roads weren't too bad until we got off the freeway at Lehi. The drive from there to Linda's was bad. The roads were very icy and we kept sliding. Traffic moved very slow and it was scary. We made it to Linda's, but Jenny decided not to stay. She was nervous about driving home on the bad roads and wanted to get home before it got much worse. She made it home safely.
Roger finished up at Dan's and headed to Linda's. He hit some ice on 215 and spun out. He managed to get traction before he crashed into the barrier in the side of the road. He said it was really scary. I was so nervous for him getting here. I'm glad he made it safely.
Shortly after Roger got to Linda's, Dave called. He was on I-15, driving home. He said everybody started to slow down because there were 2 accidents. One on each side of the road. So, Dave started to slow down, but the car behind him didn't. That car decided not to slow down with everybody else and tried to pass them. He pulled over to the left to pass all the slowing vehicles and crashed into the car accident already on the side of the road. The horrible thing was that there were people out of their cars by this accident and Dave saw this guy get hit. He saw him smash into the windshield, then go flying forward, smashing his face into the ground as his legs swung up behind him, bending in ways they shouldn't. Dave said it was horrible to see. After he got home, we watched the news. It turns out, the guy who got hit was the Draper Fire Chief. They reported that he was in critical condition, but before the end of the news they decided his condition had upgraded and they think he will be okay.
Because the roads are so bad and icy tonight, we decided to sleep at Linda's and drive home in the morning after the sun melts the ice a little better for us. It's dangerous out there.
Our kiddos all stayed home because Kelly was bringing Delia to come and stay for a few days. So, even though I know they don't like it when we aren't there at night, the distraction of having Delia there is making it better.

Here's a link to the News story about the accident Dave saw: KSL News.  They said that he got pinned between 2 vehicles, which wasn't what happened.  Eventually they started reporting it correctly, that he got hit, flew through the air and landed hard.

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