Sunday, December 16, 2018

Moser Family Christmas Party - December 16, 2018

Sunday - December 16th

The kids and I got to go to Roger's family Christmas party this year.  We've missed it the past few years.  Roger wasn't able to come because he had to work.  The kids and I were able to make it because Grandma Moser agreed to give us a ride home afterwards.  We were already in the area since we were at my family party yesterday.  So, that worked out nice.  We had a lot of fun, but we really wished Roger could have been there too.
We spent the night at Missy VanBibber's house.  It worked out well, especially since we had to bring Alissa's puppy with us.  She had a crate for him to stay in while we were gone and while we were there, she had some doggy friends for Butters to play with.  I think all of the dogs loved it.
Teresa Moser was in town this weekend and she was also staying at Missy's.  It was good to see her.  It was fun to visit with family that I haven't talked with in a long while.
In the morning, I took a picture of my bruised arm.  I just think it's crazy how much worse it looks each day.  I was taking pictures of it, then I decided to take a selfie with it. Lol.
 I took a selfie with Teresa on the way to the party.
 I have been having a hard time getting good at curling my hair with my new iron.  There is a technique that I'm not good at, but I'm getting better.  So, I wore my hair curly yesterday and tried to add more curls today.  Roger wanted to see how my hair turned out, so I took a few selfies to try and show him.  My hair is long and my arms are too short, so it's hard to take a selfie and get all of my hair in the picture.  Brinley jumped into the picture with me, then Katelyn snuck in.
 While we were waiting for everybody to get there, we played a game.  I don't know what it was called.  I didn't really enjoy playing it.  I played for one round and then asked if I could quit and just watch the game instead.  I could tell that Alissa was not really liking the game either, so I asked if she would quit with me so they could have even teams.  She was happy to.  It was a game were you have to act out or describe something and everybody on your team tries to guess what it is.  The problem is, I'm not too up to date on TV shows, movies, and famous people.  There was a lot in there that I didn't know and had never heard of.  It's a lot easier to explain things when you know what they are.  I've never been cool and kept up with famous people and what's popular.  I'd much rather sit back and watch a game like that, than play it.  Lol.  It felt too much like homework or school to me.  I prefer games that don't require a lot of smarts. It's like crossword puzzles.  I don't like crossword puzzles because it reminds me of school. When I was in school they always made cross word puzzle to use for homework to help you better learn what they were teaching.  I was not a fan of school or homework.

Here is the video I took of all the fun.  There is a fun little talent show, that starts with Cindi telling us funny little short story/poem/jokes (I totally forgot what they are called).  After the talents, Grandma Moser told us the story of Jesus' birth, then we played a fun game and exchanged gifts.  It was a really fun party.  I'm really glad that we got to go.

 When everything was done and people started to leave, Parker and I went downstairs to play ping pong, air hockey, and basketball.  That's Parker's favorite thing about seeing the Moser family, but he doesn't have anybody his age to hang out with or to go and play with him.  So, he waited as patiently as he could until I could leave the party and play the games with him.
When the party was all over, Grandma took us to pick up our stuff and our puppy from Missy's house and we headed home.  Grandma spent the night, so she wouldn't have to drive home so late.  We were all really tired and went to bed shortly after arriving home.  We got here in time to see Roger for a teeny tiny bit before he had to leave us and go to work again.  It's really rough having him work so much.  I can't wait for him to be able to quit his second job.  Hopefully, he will be able to quit in January or February.

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