Saturday, December 15, 2018

Bone Family Christmas Party - December 15, 2018

Saturday - December 15th

Today was a busy busy day.  I put everything off until the last minute, because I'm fun like that. Lol! I had a lot to do to get ready to go to Salt Lake for our parties.  I had to make the rice crispy treats, record and edit our music video, put the finishing touches on gifts, pack our bags, I don't even remember anymore.  It just felt like there was so much to get done and I was sure I wasn't going to be able to get it all done in time.
I managed though.  The thing that I really didn't think we'd finish in time was our video.  I was afraid that we wouldn't have one to enter the contest this year.  I waited too long to start recording it.  When it was ready to be edited, I couldn't get it on the computer.  I forgot that I have a new phone and it will probably connect to the computer a lot easier than my old phone.  I remembered just in time.  I had to hurry so fast to get the video edited on time.  We managed to get everything done and get to the party.  We were only 12 minutes late.
Here's our video we entered. 
Our video won the contest this year.  Missy made a funny one using clips from my dad working on her cabin.  she used clips of him that looked like he could be doing a dance move and set them all to music.  It was really funny.  Linda did an elf video.  They did a cooking show.  I can't remember what they called it exactly, but I remember her saying "If you want to see more Elfin videos" (Or something like that.  It was really creative and funny.  Mathew was a little elf, who helped her, and Dave was her hands.  The did the thing where he stood behind her and put his hands through the shirt.  I think that looks so funny.  They did a good job.  I love our Christmas videos.  I had another one I really wanted to do, but I didn't get it done.  Maybe I'll do it next year.  It is a parody to the 12 days of Christmas and it's me telling a story about a Christmas fight I had with my husband.  The reason I didn't get to it is because I couldn't come up with a funny charactery personality for me to be.

This is the treat I made to give for one of our gifts.  I wasn't sure how a homemade gift would be received by everyone, so I bought candy to go with the gift.  Luckily my gift was appreciated.  It got stolen once during the game.
 I was supposed to bring a dessert to the Moser Family party that's why I made this, but we ended up eating it when we got to Missy's house.  It was yummy.  It didn't turn out as cute as I wanted it to, because I didn't have enough mnms to make the eyes and nose look better.
 We had our party at the The Golden Coral this year.  That was fun!  That was grandpa's gift to all of us.  It was a really yummy and fun idea.  I loved it.  The food was yummy

 After we ate, we watched our videos and saw the funny card Missy made. It was a new contest this year, but nobody else made one.  I wanted to, but didn't leave myself enough time to do it.  Then we voted on what tree was decorated the best. Missy won.  She decorated her tree with a McDonald's theme.  It was so cute and funny.  Linda had a tree also. Nobody else made one.  I did, but I forgot to bring it with.  I would have lost to Missy anyway.  Her tree was way better than mine.  Since we didn't get together at Thanksgiving, we all didn't get our trees.  Last year they were passed out to each of us.  This year we were supposed to pick them up from Missy's or go buy one at the dollar store.  I think that's why nobody else did one.  I guess we all like it when we don't have to make an effort to get the tree ourselves.
After the contest, we did a raffle, then we played our gift exchange game.  It was so fun.  We got lots of candy and gift cards.  Parker got a remote control car that he is super excited about.  The gift Alissa gave was a big hit.  A lot of people were stealing that gift.  I'm not even sure what it was.  It was some kind of cool color changing rock shaped light.  But it sounded like it did something else besides just look cool.  I'm not sure what it does though.  Alissa was excited because she got to buy her own gifts to give this year.  She did good.
Here's the short video I took from our party.

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