Friday, December 14, 2018

I Got A New Straightener/Curler - December 14, 2018

Friday - December 14th

Today was a good day.  The 2 things I really needed to accomplish today were washing and folding all the laundry, and getting our Christmas video done.  I did not accomplish either of those things.
Brinley woke up and wasn't feeling well, so she stayed home from school.  She wasn't really sick, she just felt yucky with a little headache.  She drank some water and went back to bed.  She felt better after that.  So, it was nice to have her home all day.  She made some yummy chocolate chip cookies.  She is getting really good at that.
Alissa's puppy, Butters, was funny today.  He whines when I go into the bathroom and shut him out, unless there is another person to entertain him.  I let him come in the bathroom with me.  When I flushed the toilet, he got scared and dove into the bathtub to hide.  It was so cute and funny!  He is a cute and funny dog.
I got all of the laundry washed today, so I did a part of what I needed to do today, but when I wasn't dealing with the laundry, I was on the computer, working on organizing some of my pictures and videos, updating my blog, and changing things on my YouTube channel.  I have 50 subscribers now!  Woot woot!  It was nice to take the time to do all of that today.  I loved it.  I edited the video of us making suckers on the 8th, so I will upload that today, then add it to my blog.
I was on the computer all day, until it was time to get Alissa and Parker from school.  Parker and I took some pictures of ourselves while we were waiting for Alissa.

Alissa's friend, Tonya, got to come home with her today!  Tonya doesn't get to come over very often, but that is starting to change, so we are excited.
When we got home, I went back to the computer, Alissa and her friends started playing a video game, Parker was watching, and Brinley was in her room reading.  Roger woke up about a half an hour later.  He had plans to go to Logan and buy some basketball shoes for himself.  He thought it would be more fun if someone came with him.  Alissa and Tonya wanted to, but Tonya had to be home before the time they would have gotten back, so they couldn't go.  Brinley and Parker didn't want to go.  I still had things I needed to do, but didn't want to do, so I decided to go with him.
I'm glad I went.  We went out to eat at the Firehouse Pizzeria.  It was yummy.  After that, we went to the mall for his shoes.  He didn't find any that he loved, so we left the shoe stores and walked around.  we went to Bath and Body Works to buy some lotion.  It was a really good deal, so I bought seven lotions.  Yeah!  I was excited.  Roger wasn't thrilled to spend almost $40 there, but we had to get that many to get the awesome deal.  Right after leaving the store, we were approached by a sells man.  He had something to show me.  I was going to tell him I'm not interested, because I really needed to use the restroom, but Roger encouraged me to go ahead.  There was a chair, he was pointing to, so I sat in it.  He had a straightener.  He used it to curl some strands of my hair.  The ringlets he made were so cute and perfect.  I loved it.  He claimed that it uses a new infrared technology, so it doesn't damage your hair.  Also, the girl is supposed to be able to stay in your hair for 2 days.  That's how well these curls hold.  I was smitten!  I wanted this straightening/curler bad.  I asked how much it costs.  He said $250.  I was like dang! That's too bad.  I really wanted it.  Then he said,"But....It's on sell right now for $100 off, so it's only $150."  Roger said no to that.  Then he lowered the price to $125.  Still a no from Roger.  So, he lowered it to $100 plus we get the lifetime guarantee and a mat to set the hot iron on.  Roger told him we need to think about it.  Roger looked it up on Amazon and they were selling it on Amazon for $97.  The guy came over to see what we were thinking.  Roger showed him the Amazon listing.  So, the guy lowered the price to $84 and reminded us that the lifetime warranty would cost money on Amazon, but he will give it to us for free, plus we are getting the hot pad thing to set it on.  So, Roger agreed to buy it!  Yeah!  I 'm so excited!  I love my new hot iron!
As we were leaving the mall, Roger was like, well this shopping trip turned out completely different than I expected.  I spent lots of money, but none of it was on me.  We came here to buy something for me.  Lol!  I thought it was funny how it turned out.  I'm very happy and thankful that he bought those for me.  I can't wait to do my hair tomorrow!
We made one more stop before heading home and that was to the Home Depot to buy a shower head.  The one we have is not working right.  So, we got a new one.
It is so cold outside tonight!  We were freezing!  It was nice to get home and inside to warm up.  I snuggled with Roger for a little bit before he fell asleep.  He was super tired by the time we got home.  After that, I came downstairs and went straight to the computer.  To finish editing my sucker video and to write this blog post.
Parker and Alissa were both talking to me.  Parker's phone stand broke and he was upset about that.  Alissa was showing me the bruises on her knees and telling me how she got them when they were playing a game in her swimming class today.  Her bruises reminded me of my bruises, so I took a picture of mine.  Parker was in the picture, because he was standing behind me, but he was not happy, due to his phone stand being broken.
This is my smiling face, trying to pose with my bruised arm. Lol!

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