Monday, December 10, 2018

Game Show - December 10, 2018

Monday - December 10, 2018

We got to be on a game show called Battle of The Ages.  It will air on BYU TV in the spring of 2019.  Alissa, Joyce, and I were on it.  We filmed it today, but we are sworn to secrecy about it until after it airs.  I plan to write about it on here, but not post this until after it airs.
It was a lot of fun to film.  It was such a crazy and different experience.  Alissa and I had been extra's on an episode of Studio C, so we got to see what it is like, but this was different.  We were the stars this time.  It was weird having people run up and fix my make up in between shots.  It was really interesting.  We had a lot of fun, but sadly, we didn't win.  That was a big bummer.  I am regretting that we didn't try harder during one of the games.  I think we could have done a lot better.  But, we all decided that even if we had done better at the dancing game, we still would have lost because the last set of questions was all about how well you know each other.  Alissa and I know each other, but we don't know Grandma well enough and she doesn't know us well enough.  So, we couldn't have won.  That's a bummer.
So, yesterday, Joyce came to pick us up and take us back to Jeanne and Todd's house.  We spent the night there, so we wouldn't have a long drive in the morning.  Originally, they had said to be there at 6am, but they changed it to 8am.  That was good.
They still needed a picture of us all together, so we took some pictures of us before we left to Jeanne and Todd's.

 I also took a picture of our cute lazy doggies before we left.
Joyce fed us some potato soup after we got there.
We woke up at 5:30am, to get ready.  Joyce wanted to be there early, in case it was hard to find.  We had lots of time, so we stopped at Walmart on the way and bought some pants and a shirt for Alissa.  They told us to wear dress pants and a nice blouse. And to bring 3 outfits for them to choose from.  I do not have nice clothes.  I don't like to dress up, so that was frustrating.  I ended up going shopping at Khol's on Friday night, so I could have some nice clothes to wear.  Dress pants are something I had never bought before.  I brought my nice clothes, but also some clothes that were more my style (Jeans), just in case they would let me wear them.
We got there early, so we hung out in the car for a little bit.  When we got out, Alissa and I played on the teeter totter that was in the grass in front of where we parked.  Alissa really wanted to try it out.  It was fun and funny, but also weird, because the seats were really wide.
Anyway, we went in to the building it showed on the map.  We waited in there for a while, hoping to talk to some one and wondering if we were in the right place.  Eventually, someone came in.  She asked if we were here for the game show.  we said ye, then she explained that she was here for the game with her family.  They debated about what building to go in.  They had thought it was the one we were in, then they found out it was in another building.  So, she came to let us know, since she had seen us walk in there.
We got in the right building and there was 2 other families already in there.  We chit chatted for a while, while we waited.  We had filled out some paper work and brought it with us, but some people had to get it while they were there.  It was 12 pages about the rules and agreeing not to tell anybody about this until it airs.  I was glad I had time to read it at home.  Anyway, when everybody was there, the wardrobe lady came around and looked at our clothes.  I tried to convince her that the outfit I was wearing was perfect, but she didn't think so.  Lol!  Luckily though, she said they decided to not go so dressed up, so she chose Jeans for me to wear.  I wore Jeans, Alissa's new black tank top with one of my new shirts over it.  I was happy that I got to wear Jeans.  Joyce was a little disappointed that she hadn't brought some less dressy clothes.  She felt over dressed.  I don't think she was though.  She looked really good.
After we were dressed, they did our hair and makeup.  I'm not a fan of the hairstyle they did or the makeup.  I did not feel pretty, but everybody told me I looked pretty, so I said "Thank you!"  But on the inside, I was thinking, "I don't feel pretty."  I really didn't feel like myself, so that was no fun, but, I decided to forget about it  , not worry about it, and just enjoy this whole crazy experience. They coached us a lot about being energetic, talking loud when we discussed questions or anything, since we had microphones and they could hear us anyway. Lol!  They really wanted us to be happy and up beat with lots of energy, so that's what I focused on.  As soon as my makeup was done, somebody came into the room we were in and told us, that there was a meeting scheduled in there and we needed to move to a different room.  Some people weren't happy about that.  Especially since the new room, required us to walk up some stairs to get to it.
We changed rooms and they finished everybody's hair and makeup.  This is a picture of Alissa and I right after we switched rooms.  They were in the middle of doing Alissa's hair when we had to move.
After that, they told us how they only chose 48 families out of ? (I can't remember what number they said.  Alissa and Joyce both said 1000, but later in the day Joyce thought it was 400, so I don't know).  Basically, there were a lot of families who applied, but very few chosen.  So, the fact that we were there was special.  They watched our 3 minute audition tape and really liked us.  There were 5 families there today and of the 5 only 4 were going to be on the show.  One family was a back up family, that may get a chance to be on another day and if not, they will keep them in mind for any other things they are filming.  If you ended up being the back up family, they would pay you $150 for your time.  So, that's nice. Anyway, I was really nervous that we were going to be the back up family, but we weren't.  They announced the first two families and we were one of them. So, we went out in the hallway and they got our microphones on us and we went in to play the game.
The first game was going to be different for each of us.  First Alissa and the other teen competed.  They played a game were they guessed real or fake.  They heard slogans for McDonald's and they were supposed to guess what slogans were really used and what ones were fake.  Alissa did good.  She got them all right.
The second game was between me and the dad in the other family.  We played a game called Zoom, Zoom.  In our game, they had a picture that was zoomed in.  Slowly, they would zoom out, while reading clues and we would have to guess who or what the picture was.  They had advised us to really make sure before we pushed the buzzer to guess.  I realized right away who it was, but I wanted to be sure, so I was going to listen to the first clue.  Before they could read the first clue, the other guy moved to hit his buzzer.  I noticed his arm moving and I tried to hurry and hit the buzzer before him, but I was too late.  He guessed.  It was Mister Rogers.  The next one took me a little longer to realize who it was, but luckily I figured it out before the other guy.  The answer was Lucille Ball.  So, now we were tied.  The last one, he got really fast.  I recognized the face, but my brain couldn't think of his name fast enough.  I remembered right after the other guy hit the buzzer.  It was Jay Leno.  anyway, so I lost that round for us.
The 3rd game was between Joyce and the grandma in the other family.  They had only one thing to do.  They had to name that sound.  They played the sound.  I didn't know what it was.  I had an idea, but I really didn't know.  Alissa didn't know either.  We noticed the members of the other family, we getting all worked up because they knew what it was, but they couldn't say anything.  The other grandma tried to guess what it was, but she didn't get it right.  Joyce had no idea, so neither of them got a point.  It was the sound that a mac computer makes when it starts up.  We don't have one, so I didn't know. Lol!
After those games, we played a bidding game.  The only problem was, they didn't explain the bidding well enough.  I wasn't really sure how many dances there would be.  So, the game was that one team member would dance and the others would guess the name of the dance they were doing.  We had to bid how many dances we thought we could get right.  The other team said 4, then we said 5, then they said 6.  when it was back to us, we had to decide if we thought we could guess more than that.  None of us felt very confident that we knew a lot of names of the different dance moves, so we were hesitant to bid higher.  We decided to let the other team prove that they could do it.  The other team started and they were doing terrible, when, they ended up stopping the game, because they realized that they hadn't explained the rules of the game.  So, they explained the rules and started over.  They did much better the second time around and they were able to reach their bid.  I regret that we didn't bid higher.  We doubted ourselves too much, but I think we could have done it.  I also wish I had spoken up about not being sure of what the game was exactly.  Anyway, that game is the big regret I have about this whole experience.  I think it would have been fun and funny to be the one out there doing the dance moves and I really wish we hadn't doubted ourselves.  I think all of us regret that.
The final game was the one where you show how well you know each other and we couldn't have won that.  We don't see Joyce often enough.  So, even if we had won the dance competition, we would have lost the last game and the last game was worth the most points, so we would have lost anyway.  How the last game went, was they had us all go with a different person and answer these questions.  We weren't allowed to talk about it or let anybody see what we answered.  The questions were, "Of the 3 of you, who would make a better talk show host?  who will eat anything?"  I can't remember the others.  We got the first one right.  We all guessed me for that one, but the second one Alissa and I guessed Alissa and Joyce guessed me.  We discussed it afterwards and it sounds like we wouldn't have guessed the other ones right either.  After those 2 questions, the other team had enough points that we couldn't beat them, so they won.
We were disappointed we didn't win, but still feel really excited and happy that we got to have the opportunity to be on the show.  That was exciting.  Everybody was really nice to us as we left.  Edward, the guy we'd been dealing with during the last half of our interviews before finding out we were on the show, said that he will keep our information and let us know if he has any other jobs for us.  We really hope he gets in touch with us at some point.
Because we went first, we got to leave first.  It took 2 1/2 hours to film, so we would have done a lot of sitting and waiting if we hadn't got to go first.  We were glad we didn't' have to wait.  We went out to lunch at the Olive Garden.  That was nice.  We were so relieved that it was all over and it was nice to sit and talk and enjoy some yummy food.
After that, Joyce drove Alissa and I home.
I was so exhausted after all that, I fell asleep and took a really long nap.  That felt good.

The dogs are so cute!  Parker took these pictures of them.

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