Sunday, March 6, 2016

A Vlog Worthy Day - March 6, 2016

Sunday - March 6th
Today was totally a vlog worthy day.  The only problem, we didn't remember to video all the fun.  Then, when we did remember, I was busy making jam and everybody else was too busy having fun.  There was nobody to record all the fun.
It was stormy today.  Brinley left her tent set up outside.  When the wind started to pick up, we looked out to see how her tent was doing.  It was not well.  Parker had it secured to the ground pretty well, so it didn't blow away, but the wind blew one side of it in, breaking the tent stick thingies that hold it up.  Roger, Brinley, and I hurried out to see if we could save it.  The wind and rain were coming at us pretty hard.  It was a little adventure.  Brinley had a moment of panic before we went out.  She was scared to go out in the storm.  She calmed down and did just fine out there.  I tried to get Alissa to film all of the excitement, but I don't think she was fast enough.  I'll post what she recorded later, when I have more time to blog.
The other fun came later in the day, when Roger insisted that we turn off all electronics and spend some time together.  Brinley heard him say family time and remembered her family home evening lesson that she had prepared at activity days.  She couldn't wait until tomorrow to give us her lesson, so we decided to have family night tonight.  I had to stay in the kitchen and keep working on my jam, but I could still hear everything and I was close enough to be included in all the fun.  I wish I could have recorded her lesson.  Brinley did a really good job giving her lesson.  I love the way Roger plays with the kids and gets them excited about things.  It was fun to hear them in their doing the activity she had planned.  Parker was being a stinker little boy and kept getting distracted and being distracting during the lesson, but it was kind of funny.
After the lesson the kids and Roger were super hyper.  They were rough housing and being funny.  I would have like to record that also.  I think it would have been a fun vlogging day.  I just needed another of me, so I could have kept doing the things I needed to do and record all of the fun going on.
I really need to work on this vlogging thing.  We'll keep at it and I'm sure we'll figure it out eventually.

Alissa discovered a program called musically and she is having too much fun making videos to share on it.  I told her she has to email the videos to me.  I think they are funny.
Alissa was playing around on Snap Chat.  I love the funny snap chat things.

Parker has a big bad sore on the side of his mouth.  It's driving him nuts.  Poor kid.

Tomorrow we are planning to do some rearranging in the house.  We've lived here for 4 months now and in that time, we've gotten a better idea of how we'd like to have things set up in the house.  We learned that Parker and Alissa really don't like to have their rooms all the way downstairs.  Alissa keeps having nightmares about her room and some ghostly presence in her closet, and there are way too many spiders down there.  So, we are going to move Parker and Alissa upstairs.  Parker will have the room next to Brinley's and Alissa will have the room that we are using as the office.  Alissa's old room downstairs will now be the office and Parker's old room downstairs will be the guest room.  Another thing we realized that we need to change is our toy situation.  I always have the toys in an area that is easy for the kids to see and creates a fun place for them to play.  They have grown out of a lot of their toys and since I'm not doing daycare, we decided that we can make our house a little more grown up.  we don't need those toys sitting out all the time.  I'm kind of sad about putting some of the toys away, because the kids are growing up way too fast for me to handle and it makes me sad that we are moving past this faze of our lives.  But, it is also excited thinking about what the next faze will be like.  Having teenagers is going to be a fun and crazy adventure.  Alissa is 13 and so far, she has been a ton of fun.  We like to tease her about her teenager ways.  I think the teenager years with these kiddos is going to be lots of fun.  We are planning to hang on to all our toys, because eventually I might do daycare again, but mostly I want to keep them so that, in the future, our grandchildren can play with these toys and their parents can share the stories and memories they have with their children of when they used to play with that toy.  I think they'll all love that.
It's going to be a big job rearranging everything.  I'll try to remember to video tape while we're moving.  I have an idea that might make a cool video, so I'm going to try that.  Hopefully I will end up with a fun video for our vlog after the move.  

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