Friday, March 25, 2016

Decorating Easter Eggs - March 25, 2016

Friday - March 25th
It was a short day at school for Alissa today and now Spring break has started.  She is super happy that she doesn't have to go to school for over a week!
I moved all of the toys downstairs, into storage today.  The kids still have the toys they play with in their rooms, but there is no longer a need for all the other toys sitting around.  It's crazy how fast they are growing.  Roger's excited to have the toys put away.  He's excited for the change and to have a more grown-up house.  I'm excited for the change too, but a little sad about saying good-bye to the having younger children phase of my life.  
Parker and I went to the store to do a little grocery shopping and Easter shopping.  Now that the kids are older, they think it is fun to help out with the shopping for the holidays.  They still like some surprises, but they also think it is fun to get to have a chance to go and pick some things out.  Alissa helped me do some and Parker came to help this time.  Brinley is always too busy playing with friends every time I need to go shopping, otherwise, I'm sure she would come.  We ran into Roger's sister, Caroline at the store.  She was there with Brittany and Grace.  It was fun to run into her.  We're not used to bumping into family when we are running errands.  Family usually isn't around.  Scott works in Brigham City and Caroline works with him, so maybe we'll run into them a little more often.  That would be fun.
Caroline was supposed to plan the Sister's Fling this year, so I asked her about it when we were at the store.  She has a fun idea, but she keeps thinking it might be more fun to invite families to come, rather than just the sisters.  I love that idea.  I think we should start having family reunions.  I need to try and convince my family to do reunions also.  We need to have more family get togethers.  We don't get together with family very often anymore.
Teirnynn and Malaiyah came to play tonight.  They got here while I was at the store.  They brought eggs and an egg dying kit with them, so we could decorate eggs.  I had just pulled out our Easter stuff before I went to the store.  Last year, after Easter, I bought some fake eggs to decorate and some chalkboard eggs.  Last year, the kids were hardly interested in decorating eggs.  They said they wanted to, so I got everything set up, and they barely decorated any of them before they were bored.  So, this year, I was going to keep it really simple, because I didn't think they'd be interested.  With Teirnynn and Malaiyah here, they got into it a lot more.  They all had a lot of fun decorating Easter eggs.

We got invited to go to a bbq and decorate eggs with our across the street neighbors tomorrow evening.  So, we will get to have even more egg decorating fun tomorrow.  It think we should always decorate eggs with friends, from now on.  It is a lot more fun that way.

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