Tuesday, March 22, 2016

It's a Cold Day - March 22, 2016

Tuesday - March 22nd
We got our new TV today.  Our old TV had a small black line across the screen.  It was really thin and not too much of a bother.  It wasn't always there, but would pop up frequently.  It's been like that for a while.  When we bought it, Roger paid around $300.00 for a warranty. I remember getting upset at him for spending even more money, but he said that if he was spending that much money on a TV, he wants to make sure that if something breaks, we can have it fixed, otherwise, we'd just be out a TV.  When the line first started appearing, we considered calling about it, but then it kept going away.  We just dealt with it for a while, but Roger finally got tired of it and decided to call and find out what they can do to fix it, since it's under warranty.  We bought the TV 3 years ago.  After asking some questions and having Roger try some different things to get rid of it, they told us that the screen was going out and since the TV is old and they're not making them like that anymore, they would have to replace it.  So, they sent us with a number or something to take to Best Buy so we could pick out our new tv.  We were kind of excited that this warranty paid off.  We got a bigger and better TV.  Yeah!  We got a 65 inch TV and it has the new 4K technology.  Roger was so excited for it to be delivered.  It would have been nice if we got to keep our old TV, but they had to take it when they replaced it.
Roger's friend Brian came over to check it out.  It's nice!
It is really cold outside, but it looks nice.  Alissa wanted me to come outside and play for a while.  She had no idea what she wanted to do, she just wanted us to go outside.  So, that's what we did.

At the town houses, whenever it was windy the kids loves to play this game with a plastic bag.  They let the wind catch it, then they all race to see who can catch it first.  It's fun, because the wind doesn't always blow it in the direction you expect.  I't nice that we have a yard big enough for them to play their game.  The wind wasn't super strong, so the game wasn't too exciting.  I took a lot of video, because it's usually pretty funny.  The only time it was really funny this time, was as soon as I turned off the video camera.  Every time I shut it off, the wind picked up and it got funny, but by the time I got it rolling again, it was over.  The battery died on my main camera, so I had to use my phone and it takes a while processing each video before it will let me record another.

You can tell when I had to change cameras.  I almost think the cell phone video looks better.  We really need a new video camera.

After the TV guys left, Roger went upstairs to get something and when he came down, he said, "why didn't you tell me my eye was swollen?"  I looked at his eye and was surprised to see that it is starting to swell up.  I hadn't noticed.  It's not too terrible and it really is only noticeable if you are looking for it, but when you're just standing there talking to him, it doesn't really stand out.  He's thinking that maybe it's his allergies flairing up since he mowed the lawn yesterday.

Roger took the truck in to get a recall on it fixed today.  He was gone for a couple of hours.  He had to go to Brigham City.  While they were fixing it, he waked over to Scott's work and visited with his sister, Caroline.  He said that it was fun to see her and spend some time visitng.

Alissa has a sore throat that kept getting worse as the day went on.  I really hope she'll feel better tomorrow and that she is not get the yucky sickness I had.  The kids and I went up to my room and watched Daddy Daycare, while Roger watched hockey in the family room on the new TV.  The new TV is really nice.  We are really happy that we got it.  We are trying to decide if we should buy a warranty on this one, but i don't think we will.  It was nice that it worked on the last one, but we really don't have the money to spend on the warranty this time.

It's really cold.  Kristy posted a pic on Facebook of all the snow at her house.

 Then, 5 hours later, she complained on Facebook, saying, "make the snow stop"  She always gets so much snow at her house and it makes me so jealous, but I'm definitely not jealous of the snow in the Spring.

We focused on getting familiar with different sayings and phrases and what they really mean, in our homeschooling today.  Things like, "The early bird gets the worm" and "Don't put all your eggs in one basket".  I was surprised that the kids hadn't heard a lot of those sayings.  It was a lot of fun though.

I spent a lot of time looking over all the requirements for getting licensed for daycare.  There really is a lot of things I need to accomplish to get licensed.  Roger is going to call about insurance for my daycare tomorrow.  I really hope that goes well.  I have my last sharing the caring class tomorrow.  I'd really like to focus and get moving with the licensing process.
Money is tight, since we got our new house.  We did a budget and if we could do $100.00 grocery trips every other week, we will be good.  I have been really struggling trying to make that work.  It has not been easy and i am super frustrated by the whole thing.  I finally got Roger to understand my struggle.  He agreed that if I have to change my grocery shopping, that he will have to change the way he eats.  I explained to him, that if he could learn to eat more simple foods like cereal, sandwiches, Ramen noodles, etc., then we could easily get the groceries we need for $100.00 every other week, but if he wants me to make him nice dinners each night, we have to change our grocery budget back to what it was before.  I finally managed to explain how I was feeling in a way he understands.  He agreed to try eating differently.  I'm relieved.  I have been so stressed out, trying to make this work.  Grocery shopping will be so much easier when I go on Friday.  Trying to feed my family as cheaply as possible is very time consuming and frustrating.  I spend hours looking through all the ads for the best deals, gathering and cutting coupons, preparing a menu that will work with those foods that are on sale, then preparing my list, so i can get in and out of the store quickly.  I do all of the math before hand, so I can stay in budget.  It is a pain.  I'm getting really tired of it.  Eating simple things will make everything so much easier.

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