Monday, March 28, 2016

Snow - March 28, 2016

Monday - March 28th
It's Alissa's spring break this week, so we got to sleep in.  That was nice.  We woke up to lots of snow outside.

We have a stray cat that sleeps in the shed on the side of the house.  The neighbors feed it and it sleeps over here.  Parker was showing me the cat paw prints in the snow.

It was cold and snowy all day.  Since Roger didn't have to work and Alissa was home, we wanted to do something fun together, but it was too cold.  All the fun stuff we wanted to do would take us out in the cold and it wouldn't work, so we decided to just rent a movie.  We rented 'The Minions'.  It was a fun movie.  We all loved it.
During the movie, Roger said that he wishes the luv sac was down here (in the family room).  I agreed.  I had been thinking about it.  Since Roger turned the pilot light off on the fireplace, there is no need for it up in the living room, so we went up to get it.  It is fun to try and move it.  It is just so big and bulky and awkward.  Moving it is always an adventure.  We got in the family room and put it in front of the couch.  Roger and I watched the rest of the movie, sitting on it.  When the movie was over, we all went and di our own thing.  Roger stayed in the family room to play a video game.  While he was playing, he was thinking that he likes the luv sac down here, but he wishes it wasn't so close to the TV.  So, he yelled for me and said that he has kind of a crazy idea about where to put the luv sac.  He suggested that we separate the couch in the middle (It's a sectional) and put the luv sac there.  I couldn't quite picture it, but I liked that idea.  So, that's what we did.  I like it.  It is a little different, but it gives us more places to sit and it spreads the couch out over more of the family room, which is nice.  We have really only been using half of the family room, because the couch doesn't reach that far and we don't have any other seats to put in there.  So, this makes the family room feel better and feel like we are using all of it.
Brian and Delaney came over to play for a while tonight.  That was nice.  I set up the Selfie Booth that we got from Linda.  Brinley and Delaney had fun playing with it.  Brinley had hoped to play in it with her friend Ashley, but Ashley had to leave before I got it all set up and working, so Brinley was really happy when Delaney came.

I put together a compilation of all the musically videos Alissa has made.  I love the musically app.  I think it looks so cool and there are some really fun things you can do on it.  Alissa uses my phone a lot and the musically app is something she uses a lot.

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