Saturday, March 12, 2016

Sick - March 12, 2016

Saturday - March 12th
So, I had a really great vlogging idea to try when I moved Alissa's room to the office and the office to Alissa's room.  When I started to work on her room, I completely forgot about taking any pictures or videos.  I was too focused on all that I needed to accomplish that day.  I wanted to get her room and the office switched in one day.  So, I worked really hard all day on Monday.  I had been feeling sick and dealing with that head cold all last week and Monday was the first day that I finally felt good again.  I was happy to not be sick and I needed to get a lot accomplished to make up for all my sick time.  I worked myself really hard.  It felt so good to get up and move and finally be feeling healthy.

I managed to get everything moved.  Roger helped a lot.  I don't usually let Roger help me with things like that, because we don't always work well together.  It always ends with me getting mad at him and telling him I will never move something with him again.  It starts with him telling me what to do.  I either didn't hear him, or didn't understand what he meant, so I ask him to repeat what he says, he repeats it, but the tone in his voice says "You're stupid", so then I tell him I'm not going to work with him if he's going to be rude and talk to me like I'm stupid.  Then he raises his voice and says that he isn't talking to me like I'm stupid, I say he is, he says he's not.  I tell him I'm going to walk away if he keeps yelling.  He says he's not yelling (he's not yelling, but he's talking loudly so that's close enough for me), then I get mad, walk away, and say "I'm never helping you move something again.  Next time there is something heavy to be moved, call a friend."  So, we just don't work on stuff like that together.  Roger decided that we should work on that problem.  So, he planned to help me with all the heavy stuff.  He promised that he would talk nice, explain things better, and not get frustrated with me.  I promised not to overreact if he did get frustrated with me.  So, it worked and it went really well.  For the first time in 14 1/2 years of marriage, we moved some large furniture from one room in the house to another without fighting.  Go us!

So, we got everything moved and most of the stuff put away.  I have some shelves I need to organize in the office still, but by 8:00pm, I was exhausted and I had to take a break.  Roger agreed to take care of dinner that night, since I was determined to get the rooms done, so we had pizza.  I went upstairs to relax and eat my pizza.  It was really good, but as I sat relaxing, I felt myself starting to feel weaker and weaker.  Then, it hit me!  The sickness came on so fast.  Suddenly I had a fever and sore throat.  I felt miserable.  I let Roger and the kids know I felt sick and that I was going to bed.  I really hoped that I would feel better in the morning.  But I didn't.  I felt much worse.  I spent the whole day in bed on Tuesday.  I was miserable.  I was also feeling bad, because I had just spent all of last week being sick and my poor family hadn't eaten a normal home cooked meal in over a week.  They'd been living on cereal and ramen noodles.  I felt like there is no way their bodies could fight off this sickness if the don't get any good food in their bellies.  So, I got up the courage and I sent a message to a friend and my visiting teacher's to see if anybody would be willing to bring us dinner.  I'm so glad I did that.  I was so sick and unable to get out of bed at all on Tuesday, but my family finally got some good healthy food.  Roger said the kids scarfed it down like they had been starving.  I didn't get to enjoy any, because I couldn't keep any food down on Tuesday.

On Wednesday, I still had a fever and my throat was feeling really swollen.  Roger made a doctor appointment for me, before I woke up that morning. So, he woke me when it was time to go.  I was relieved that he had done that for me, but bummed that I had to get out of bed.  I was so miserable!  The doctor was pretty sure it was strep.  He said there were a couple other things going around that it could be, so he gave me medicine that would kill all of the yuckiness I had.  I went home, took the medicine and went right back to bed.  I was in bed all day Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  Friday, I felt like I could finally get out of bed and move, so I woke up and tried to do some of my normal chores.  I was okay for the first half of the day.  I just did everything in slow motion.  But around 3:00pm, I started to get a head ache, so I went to bed.  My head ache didn't go away.  I tossed and turned in bed until around midnight, when I woke up, with out a headache, but with a terrible cough.  I took some cough syrup and slept well after that.

Today, I'm just taking it easy.  I feel like I lost 3 days of my life.  Being sick is no fun!  I don't get knock you off your feet, stuck in be sick very often.  Or, at least, I never have before.  The last time I was this sick was only 5 months ago.  That's crazy!  I really hope this is not going to start happening more often.  I really hate being sick.

Roger took a picture of me while I was sick.  This was taken on March 8th - Day 1 of my sickness.

This is the video that Brinley took on Monday before I got sick and before we started switching Alissa's room and the office.  Parker took a video also, but he was recording while I was homeschooling them.  I don't know why I didn't realize he had the camera pointed at me.  I guess I just thought we were having a good conversation and I felt like I was being an awesome homechooling mom at the moment and that they were really grasping what I was teaching them. Anyway, that video was kind of long and boring, so I'm not going to share it.  This video that Brinley took isn't super exciting either, but it's a little more exciting than watching me give a long lesson to the kiddos about the presidents.
Here is a video that Brinley took on Tuesday when I was laying on the luv sac sending a message to try and get some food for my family before I went up to bed.
These are 2 more of those musically videos Alissa's been trying out.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry that you are sick. My family had the same symptoms a few weeks ago, and it does seem to take away from your life as you can't do anything. It's good that you were able to take it easy for a few days to get some rest.
