Thursday, March 24, 2016

Roger's Eye - March 24, 2016

Thursday - March 24th
Roger came home from work early last night, because his eye kept swelling.  It doubled from what it had been yesterday.  He said he was in a room working, when his boss came in.  He looked up and it surprised his boss when he saw how much more swollen Roger's eye was.  Roger said he was like, "Woa! Dude your eye is getting a lot worse."  So, Roger went to look at it.  It was getting hard for him to keep his eye open, so he decided to come home.  In the morning, Roger called the doctor and I drove him to another appointment.

Yesterday, they had thought it was just his allergies, but since the allergy medicine was doing nothing, they decided it was probably an infection.  So, he got some more medicine to see if that would work.  So far, it is working.  The swelling has started to go down and Roger was able to go to work tonight.
So, I've been going to the Sharing the Caring classes to get licensed for daycare and after last nights class, I'm pretty sure that I don't want to do that anymore.  I can't believe how difficult it all is.  There is so much paper work and so much crappy stuff you have to deal with.  I'm good at taking care of kids, but I'm terrible at business.  So, I guess being a licensed daycare provider is not for me.  I'm frustrated about that, because I have been counting on it and looking forward to getting started with my daycare and finally have a way to earn some money.  Now, I need to find something else.  I really don't want to work outside of the home.  The kids are growing fast and I'll have plenty of time to go get a job when they are grown.  I really want to be home and be with them as much as I possibly can while they are young.  It's just aggravating how expensive everything is. 
 Anyway, now that I'm done focusing my attention on trying to get that all started up, I can focus my attention back on the house and getting it arranged and organized in a better way.  I don't need it to be daycare ready anymore.  The kids are getting older and it's time to put some toys away.  We are transitioning from little kids to teenagers. Alissa turns 14 this year, Parker will turn 12 in a little over a month, and my baby (Brinley) is turning 11.  It is fun having older kids.  I know I will love every minute of it, but I think it's time to change some of the ways I do things, now that they are older.  I've just been doing a lot of thinking about that.  I'm thinking the first step will be putting the toys they don't play with away.  When I was thinking about this earlier today, I had a lot more ideas, but now that I sat down to write about it, I got nothing.
My poor little Brinley is sick today.  She has had the throw ups and poops all day.  It is no fun.  Alissa ended up staying home from school today.  I woke her up at 6:00am.  Then her and I went to the living room to warm up by the fire.  We both ended up falling back asleep.  Luckily, I had an alarm set to go off at 6:30am.  The 6:30 alarm went of and I asked Alissa if she wanted me to set it to 7, so we could sleep a little longer.  She said yes, so I rolled over to set the alarm, but I fell asleep before I was able to set it.  We woke up around 9, when Roger woke up to call the doctor.  His appointment was right away and we needed Alissa to stay home with Parker and Brinley.  It was short day at school anyway, so I bet she didn't miss too much.
Alissa is funny about school.  She is always doubting herself and always thinking that she probably didn't do a good job, but then she always gets straight As on her report card.  I went to parent teacher conferences yesterday with her.  She warned me on the way, that she probably didn't do that well this semester.  She was sick a lot, so I didn't expect that her grades would be perfect.  But, we got in her class and sat down with her teachers.  They handed me her report card and she had all As except for in P.E. (because she needs to turn in 2 papers).  She'll hand in those papers tomorrow and her grade will go up.  I'm proud of my little Alissa for doing so well.  I was always terrible in school.  I just didn't care enough.  I don't know why Alissa and Brinley care so much about their grades and doing well in school.  I don't know where their drive and motivation came from.  I'm guessing they get it from their dad.  They both get straight As and I think that is awesome.  Parker doesn't care about school.  He doesn't care what his grades are.  He just doesn't care.  That's more how I was.  Parker is a smart kid.  He does really well when we are homeschooling him.  He is a much happier person when he doesn't have to deal with the stress of school.  This time around of homeschooling with Parker is going much better than the last time.  He doesn't fight me anymore when I say it is time to do some school work.  That is making things much better.  Also, I noticed that when he gets a chance to sit and watch tv, he chooses more educational shows.  He's always liked the educational shows more anyway, but it seems like he is watching them more and he is more interested and excited about learning.
I love my little family.  It is so fun to watch them grow and see all the changes in them.  I love the people my little ones are growing up to be.  They are so fun.  I don't know how anybody could not love them.

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